Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Almost Done


Monday, March 30, 2015

Quick Update #3

32 Custom Djakarta pukul 23.00 hari Minggu malam.

Ngga perlu gue ceritain lagi tapi dari foto ini lo bisa liat, these guys are in love with what they do.

As you guys can see, it's progressing really fast

Sepertinya sih bisa selesai on time untuk Indonesia Greaser Party 10 - 12 April 2105.

Dan gue hanya bergantung sepenuhnya sama komitmen mereka yang luar biasa.

Update will keep on coming


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Quick Update #2

So, here we go...

Just a few picture says thousand words.


more important update coming up


Friday, March 27, 2015

Quick Update

Let me introduce you to 32 Custom Djakarta or probably some of you don't need an introduction to this workshop located in Jalan Kemang Selatan 12 No. 32 Jakarta Selatan. Ceritanya singkat saja, setelah gue beli motor ini, gue mulai cari refrensi dari internet dimana bengkel terpercaya yang biasa bangun street cub. Pencarian berakhir karena gue menemukan 32 Custom Djakarta banyak disebut-sebut di dunia maya. Bengkel ini gue lewatin hampir setiap hari berangkat ke kantor. Foto - foto lokasi dan bengkel bakal gue update di postingan terpisah. Sementara ini, kalo penasaran bisa buka Instagramnya di 32customdjakarta. Lingkungan yang aman, pemilik yang ramah dan proaktif plus deket rumah jadi pertimbangan utama. Jam terbang, refrensi hasil kerjaan serta harga yang bersahabat merupakan variable penguat pengambilan keputusan untuk mempercayakan C70 yang akan jadi motor custom pertama gue ini. Langsung saja, update hari ke 3.

Part - part penting pendukung bentuk dan konsep sudah terpasang. Moga - moga mesin baru bisa kepasang dalam waktu dekat. 

Will be updating soon.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

RIP for a While

Can you imagine your life without cars? I can't. So to extend the thesis, bought myself a new toy. 

Seperti biasa gue selalu punya barang yang orang kebanyakan sudah punya. Lalu pelan - pelan gue coba bawa ke arah yang lain daripada yang biasanya orang lalui. Please kindly introduce my C70. This is the second motorcycle that I have. The first one pass my life in a blink of an eye. But this one is going to be different. Why? Here's why....

So the plan was to move away from the mainstream right? However, I'm still new kids on this part of the world. So the solution is to have a good workshop to help me understand what is this piece of crab. Meanwhile, I cheat a little bit. I copy a design that inspire me just to get balls rolling otherwise this project wont even start. 

More or less.

Doin' all the right things in the wrong ways, Doin' all the wrong shit for the right reasons.

So excited and cant wait to see how it goes. 

Stay tuned.
