Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hell Drivers

It was Sunday again. My friends always ask me what are you doing on the weekend actually, and how come you never hang out with us anymore. Let me answer that question with these pictures. These are my new friends now. Burning Sun, Asphalt, Smells of exhaust, Roaring Engine, and My 5D MK II. Of course when you make friends, you get some bonuses and for me, the bonuses are these.

The never ending epic of motorsport event which always takes my breath away every time I tries to capture the moment. It’s priceless.


  1. yang drag kemaren gak ada ya??? hehehheheh

  2. ada.. cuman karena kurang mood gue motretnya jadi gue taro di facebook aja.. ntar seri dua yah.. sorry bgt...
